
It's been a while.

I've been trying to put out new work fairly consistently. I'm working with some friends on making a print portfolio - something physical and tangible that you can feel, touch and smell (if you're so inclined).

I've been shooting regularly and it feels good to produce new work that I am stoked about and working with new people.

I just want to back up a little for a second. I used to hate working with people. I started off photographing bands, because there was a separation. I didn't have to interact with them, I didn't have to speak to them. They played their music and I photographed them; life was good.

At a certain stage - I believe it was 2013 - I realized that I needed to get over the crippling fear of approaching and engaging with people if I wanted to be a photographer, so I began a personal project called; "Dudes with Beards". I forced myself to engage with strangers. Here's a precursor if all of this is new to you.

Fast forward a few years, I still have said fear, but I've learnt to deal with it. And I kind of love it. It's like we are doing a dance - the subject and I. They have to trust me enough to lead them, but it's also a collaboration. We have to be synchronized and our movements perfectly timed, as not to miss a step and stumble.

Sara Lando once told me; "f*cking look at me, you're not looking at me". I was so frazzled when photographing her that I was not paying attention to her; which is really awkward for your subject. You need to talk to them, ask them about themselves, interact, explain what you're doing, tell them they are doing a great job. Engage!

A couple of months ago I photographed a poster image for a puppet theater production called Tallard & the Ladderbird. The writer of the story, Jessica Ng later approached me to photograph some portraits of her. From the onset though, she warned me that I would not have it easy.

Challenge accepted!

And boy; was it a challenge. Jessica didn't make my life too easy, but I liked that. I need these kinds of subjects to hone my skills.

A short little introduction. Jessica is an Opera singer and she needed some profile images. We actually did two shoots. The first two images was from the first shoot and the third image was from the second. I wanted to show some regality seeing as she sings opera in the first shoot, unfortunately it was a little "too stiff" so we rescheduled and the above image is my favourite from that shoot. I made a really dumb comment or something and Jessica gave this small glimpse of a smile. If you look closely, her eyes are a little softer and there's a little curl of the lips, showing an inkling of a smile and that is what I wanted and what she needed.

By engaging with her and not shutting up and making some sort of joke we both got what we needed from the shoot.

She also told me her mom would be flying over from Hong Kong to come and watch the second and final night of the show and that she would love some images of her and apparently she is even more difficult to work with.

I arrived at our friends place; where Jessica and her mom stayed at and set the scene. Her mom being a big fan of Vermeer; I wanted to emulate his style in a photograph. Obviously I am no Vermeer and I have come to find I need to study the master painters and their use of light to better understand the way I use it and to be better at using it.

Jessica's mom with her late husband's handkerchief.

Jessica's mom with her late husband's handkerchief.

After getting set up, Jessica went for an afternoon nap and left me alone with her mother. I'd hardly known her five minutes and now my only buffer decided it was time for a nap? Shit! I breathed in deeply, pulled the chair up to the window and asked her to take a seat. I then explained what my thinking behind the image was and what I wanted to try and capture. All while my camera was on the floor next to me.

In other words, I engaged. I speak for myself when saying this; that, as photographers we sometimes tend to treat the subject like an object and herein lies the problem. Before pulling up the camera to your eye, pull up a chair, look your subject in the eye, smile and engage and talk to them for a minute and tell them they've got this.

Thanks for reading

Wêreld Records (World Records)

WARNING: Image heavy post coming up.

Roughly a week and a half ago we saw the launch of Wêreld Records. Prior to that I was working like a bat out of hell to photograph the launch acts. 7 artists in total, 2 of whom are group acts.

I could easily have had them all come in on one evening and sit down and shot the exact same image, but that was never an option. They're all different artists, with diverse music styles and influences and I'd be damned if I just worked through them like a conveyer belt.

I still have several more artist portraits to shoot and I am really looking forward to some new concepts and ideas and input from them on how we will capture these images.

For now, here are the seven launch acts I photographed. For more on what Wêreld Records is you can go check out their website and Facebook.

Franco, a.k.a. Franx does some killer solo bass; looping and layering it with vocals on top.

This is Matthieu Auriacombe a.k.a Hello Beautiful.

Alex Parker and Jean-Louise Nel make up Academie.

The mad electronica wizard that will most likely make your brain short circuit, Jacob Israel.

Charlie Higson's soothing melodies will definitely lull you to sweet slumber.

For some reason Givan Lötz's voice reminds me a little of Ashton Nyte (in a good way though). The music is slower though and has this really beautiful drone to it.

Last, but not least; a Skyline on FireGood friends of mine. Great music.

Adapt or Die

Well, that sounds a bit gloomy right? Adapt or die. Thing is, we need to constantly evolve as photographers and creatives. Good isn't good enough and and if it ever is you know you're in trouble. We need to constantly push ourselves to be better.

I meant to blog about this much sooner, however I've been going non-stop since the beginning of August. This has been really good for my confidence and it's also been flexing my creativity and I think this specific shoot was the main catalyst for getting me off my ass and creating again.

My favourite image of the day..

In mid August my friend Karien and her husband came from Dubai to visit family and friends. She had reached out to me some time during June about doing a shoot with her and of course I immediately said; yes. I wanted to do something a little more conceptual than the usual portraiture stuff and I knew she'd be keen.

I had a very specific concept in mind, but I quickly realized that I was going to have to approach the idea differently. My initial concept wasn't going to pan out and I needed to adapt it slightly. As a photographer this happens more often than you might think. You have a pretty solid idea in your head/written down/drawn up, but there are so many variables at hand and often times you need to make a judgment call and kinda hope for the best.

We were running slightly late and I had to skip the location for the first image idea I had. This was okay, because I really wanted to make the image at the top of the page. Here's what went into the retouch.

Speaking of retouch; click here to see the details about my upcoming workshop. Please note: Dates might be changing for the workshop.

Here are several more images from the day including some scribbles of what I was thinking in terms of how/where/when I wanted to shoot etc.

I really wanted to shoot the selection of above images with Karien enveloped by branches and leaves and ivy, however it just wasn't possible, so again, some adaptation was needed and I am really stoked with the final results.

I always feel it's essential to have something written down or drawn on a piece of paper/napkin or whatever, just to get your initial idea out there. From there it will change shape or remain exactly as you envisioned it. The point is; sometimes you'll go in with an initial idea and come out the other end with something completely different.

Adapt or die as they say.

PS: Go view Karien's work hereShe's awesome!

Thanks for reading.


For the past few months, I've been throwing the idea of hosting a workshop around in my gray matter, a.k.a. my brain.

Today I am very proud to announce that I'll be hosting a workflow and retouching workshop right here in Hatfield, Pretoria at StorySpace Studios on the 10th of October. PLEASE NOTE: Dates have since changed to the 22nd of October to accommodate attendees.

This will be a one day workshop and we'll be focusing on and discussing workflow and retouching.

NOTE: You'll need to have a basic knowledge of Lightroom and Photoshop and also own the software.

We're going to start from when your shoot finishes, to you sitting down behind your keyboard and importing into Lightroom to retouching and backing up. I'll be discussing how I name folders, make selections, RAW conversions, Custom vs Purchased presets.

In Photoshop, we'll be going through frequency separation, dodging and burning, skin toning, color toning and sharpenin, as well as some other tips and tricks I've learnt over the years.

I'll also be going into the the tools I use, from graphic tablets to screen calibrators, and I'll discuss how I backup my work. We'll also be touching on colour spaces and which one to choose when saving your work.

The cost of the workshop is a R1800, however if you are one of the first five people to sign up you'll only be paying R1500, so get clicking on the link below to grab a little discounted rate.

Click here to make your booking.

Please note there are only 12 spaces available. Also, do not fret. If someone drops out, you might still be lucky enough to get a spot.

So, that's it. Easy, right? I look forward to teaching you the tips and tricks I have picked up over the years and I hope you look forward to learning from me.

Thanks for reading