It's been an exciting and busy two weeks since I've returned from visiting friends and family at the coast. I needed to break away from the city a little. I was on edge and frustrated and I needed the quiet of sitting around and not doing much.
Breaks are good. They center us and give new perspective and new life to old ideas or let's us sift through the bullshit of said ideas and filter out the bad and good. So, that's what I've been doing. Sifting through all the bullshit and trying to get things done.
I have a handful of Dudes with Beards (Part two here) portraits lined up and then I am retiring the project. March 3rd will be the 2 year mark and I think that is a good amount of facial hair. I'll then be focusing on getting a book done and out there to complete the final chapter. Lord knows how long that's going to take, but that is the plan. I'll be releasing a limited amount. Right now I am thinking 50 - or perhaps whatever the total is that I finish on.
I'll also be looking to redo my website a little. It's almost two years old and I think it needs a little bit of a revamp, but first I need to shoot some new work which is what I've been busy organising the past two weeks.
Meetings, brainstorming and trying to figure out what I need to create the images that I have in my brain. I'm stoked and I think the work that I am trying to create is a little out of my comfort zone which will ultimately push my skillset a little further and I don't know of any other way to accomplish that.
On top of all this I am now also a contributor to DEDPXL and my first post for 2015 is up right now. It - and future posts - will basically chronicle my journey from interning with Zack to where I am now and where I see myself going. Scary stuff!
Last but not least here is a detail from artwork for my friends' band, "The Ocean Doesn't Want Me". I have one more image to create and I am putting out a call for a couple who wouldn't mind posing nude for the photo. It's fairly conceptual and "fine-artsy", so there isn't any full frontal weird stuff.
That's it from my camp for now.
Thanks for reading