I met and got to know Stanley over the years from him working at a little local coffee shop that went by the name of “Vintage Coffee”. He was one of the - what they would call; "Green Beans” - someone that volunteered and worked there.
Stan is a pilgrim, a wanderer and a searcher. That's the best way I can describe him. A keen listener and conversationalist. We made this portrait in my old apartment.
Words by Stanley
“It took me so long to remember what once I instinctively knew:
that the heart is not mechanical. I cannot switch one part off without killing the whole.
When my heart is neutered I become resentful of anything that would remind me otherwise: joy, spontaneity, beauty, goodness (in myself and others)…and love.
To allow one is to allow all.
To allow my heart is to allow it to break…in that deep, baby-like, exposed place I’ve forgotten about until I feel it again.
That for a second feels like dying. That during feels like something breaking. But that afterwards feels free and strong and indestructible. That washes my eyes to see colours again! And restores in me a beating heart of flesh and blood. That can FEEL…and connect…and laugh…and love.”