Every so often I fall into the familiar dark, seemingly bottomless pit that is a creative slump and the only way to claw my way out is with your help. I make portraits and for that I need people. *insert uncle Sam, "the army needs you" image here.
I'm looking for people from all walks of life. Tall, thin, fat, scarred, insecure, confident, black, white, pink, weird, normal, broken, all your ducks in a row.
I'd appreciate it if you would take a moment to fill out the form below so that I can get to know you a little better. None of this information will be shared or used for newsletters (I don't even have one of those).
This is just a way for me to stay organized and plan around your schedule, location and available time.
You'll see some of the kind people I've photographed as you fill out the form.
My friend Adriaan moved to Finland earlier this year and when he was back in the country for work he asked if I would take some photos of him. We ended up shooting at my place, because he was couch surfing.
I met Charles about a year ago at the place where I have my photographs framed and finally got around to making some images with him at his house.
My friend Hougaard who is a great artist in his own right. This was his idea and interpretation of a Memento Mori. One of the things I like during this process is the collaboration that starts happening naturally after some time.
My friend Jasmyn's grandfather, "Oom Koos". I saw an image she had posted of him on Instagram and texted her that I wanted to photograph him and we eventually got around to setting up a day.
My friend Angelica and I spent the entire day hanging out and bouncing ideas around for photos. Some of these sittings are really quick and in the moment and some of them take up an entire day and before you know it, it's the evening and you realize you haven't yet eaten.
Margaret Nel. From a portrait sitting earlier this year. My friend Kelda contacted me and asked that I photograph some new images of her mother who is a painter. After the initial head shots I wanted to get a more environmental image and ended up in this room.
Sakhile, a.k.a. DJ Bubbles. I saw him at a local Café with his girlfriend at the time and just had to get him in front of my camera.